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Andrew Thomas is a seasoned creative Preditor (Producer/Editor) currently active in the Los Angeles market.



Nature or nurture? Both have guided my career —

being naturally drawn to storytelling and media, 

then shaped by pop cultural influences.


It leads to situations where important things to say

meet creative expression. And that’s a great place to be.


My earlier, formative years spent in the alternative press

satisfied an appetite for ironic humor and social justice. 

Later, I applied those qualities to film and video.


Collaborating with teams, and comfortable on my own,

mastering the craft of communication unlocks the opportunity

for insight and surprise. There is joy in process.


But while some people lay bricks, I build cathedrals. 


While I have generated many original, innovative productions, 

the real product delivered is creativity-on-demand. This means 

an eclectic portfolio, and a lifetime of challenging experiences 

and fresh perspectives.





There comes a point when every creative enterprise requires the

unique chemistry of “blue sky” imagination and solid production chops. 


    This is the one-two punch that defines my career.


I prove that time-critical deliveries and impossible budgets can be 

springboards for sparking creativity. 


    This is the space where I thrive.


As a creative Producer, I am not limited by single qualifications.


    From development to delivery, my writing, shooting, and

    editorial skills have been recognized with five Best Documentary

    Awards, and Emmy nomination for National Primetime Series.


This has included an eclectic blend of challenges:


    • When Disney teamed with George Lucas to build a new

    attraction in Tomorrowland, I wrote, produced and edited the

    national broadcast special to platform the partnership.


    • When A&E needed an original series to inaugurate their

    History Channel, I created, wrote and produced “Modern

    Marvels,” now in its 26th year.


    • When SYFY Channel wanted a late-night comedy series,

    I collaborated with SNL headwriter Tom Davis for a three year

    run featuring guests from Dan Aykroyd and Carrie Fisher, 

    to Timothy Leary.


    • When Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young reunited for a rare

    cross-country tour, I created the powerful HD stage projections

    that brought audiences to their feet night after night.


The resume tells the tale:


    Developing fresh television series for Discovery, Fox, and others…

    Producing musical documentary events for the Monterey Jazz Fest…

    Supervising production of critical marketing initiatives for Warner Music…

    Designing books that jump off the shelf, or conjuring-up a podcast 

    that worms its way into your head…


Where will I be in five years? 


    Where I am today: exploring an approaching world 

    that’s percolating a few minutes ahead of Now.


And throughout, as a solo act or dedicated team-player, I’ve found 

that there is no greater joy than using your unique voice to deliver 

on the energetic promise of pop cultural excitement.  


I would enjoy sharing that joy with you.

Taking a break at a NYC Art Gallery while creating a feature doc on the 5-night final performances of Crosby, Stills & Nash at the Beacon Theater

"Anatomy of Vince Guaraldi"

Winner of 5 Best Doc Awards

Broadcast special for new attraction from Disney & Lucas

Art Direction award for animations and graphics for the Talking Heads

SYFY comedy series producing and writing with SNL's Tom Davis

"Disturber Of The Peace" -- bio-doc feature on activist priest, Rev Boyd 

Animations and graphics for Warner Music commercial releases

Production of weekly comedy video blog

Live show production and product development for legendary group

Production and design of best selling book

Design and marketing of upcoming novel on Bessie Smith

Presenting Lifetime Achievement Award to Vince Guaraldi at NAMM, along with George Winston (right) and Dia Guaraldi (center)

A full-service production company

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